Monterey, CA…With funding from the California Energy Commission and the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District as the lead Sponsoring agency, Ecology Action will be hosting 3 workshops for the tri-county region of Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito to gather public input on our regional Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan. There are 4 main topics that we hope to gather input on from you including: (1) Locations of public charging stations; (2) Electric vehicle outreach and education strategies for Monterey County residents; (3) Ideas for streamlining permitting, inspection, and installation of electric vehicle charging stations; (4) Ideas for increasing electric vehicle deployment in public and private fleets.
The Monterey County EV Readiness Plan Workshop will be held on September 11 from 6-7:30pm at Casanova Oak Knoll Park Community Center in Monterey. See the flyer for details, or visit the Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance website at