Prescribed Burn Planned for Northern San Benito County On October 27

Monterey, CA – CAL FIRE plans to conduct a prescribed burn on private property in the Gabilan Range south of Hollister and west of Paicines in San Benito County on Sunday, October 27, 2013; this is a change in date from the previous press release, to adjust to the weather forecast. The purpose of the project is to reduce hazardous fire fuels by removing brush and down woody materials, enhancing the fire safety. This type of exercise also provides valuable hands-on training for fire personnel in fire suppression activities while working safely in a controlled environment.

Smoke from this controlled burn will be visible from Hollister Valley, Santa Clara Valley, Salinas Valley, and San Benito County. Weather conditions will be monitored and the burn may be postponed if burning conditions are found to be unfavorable. CAL FIRE is in close consultation with the National Weather Service’s Monterey office and the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District to ensure that the burn takes place in appropriate weather conditions. The San Benito Monterey Unit of CAL FIRE will provide updates for this controlled burn via Facebook and Twitter the day of the burn: Facebook CAL FIRE BEU (; Twitter @CALFIREBEU (

What: Prescribed Burn
When: October 27, 2013
Where: northern Gabilan Range west of Paicines (San Benito County)
MEDIA ONLY For further information on CAL FIRE’s response to incidents in San Benito and Monterey Counties, please contact the San Benito-Monterey Unit Public Information Officer at (831) 647-6257 or CAL FIRE NEWS RELEASE
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection