Cyclists Get Three Foot Buffer on CA Roads

Sacramento, CA…Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Monday a measure aimed at protecting cyclists on California’s public roads by creating a three foot buffer between bicycles and vehicles.

AB 1371, by Assembly Member Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), amends the vehicle code to explicitly define a safe passing distance as a minimum of three feet.

“I sincerely thank the Governor for signing this commonsense measure to protect cyclists on our roads,” Bradford said. “When cars and bikes collide, it often turns to tragedy. This bill is a great reminder that we all have to work together to keep our roads safe for all users.”

California will become the 22nd state with such a law. Pennsylvania requires a minimum of four feet.

“The Governor has affirmed our commitment to reducing congestion and pollution, making our communities more livable, and increasing our alternative transportation options,” Bradford continued. “Bicycle advocates, neighborhood groups, and ordinary community members spoke loud and clear in support of safer streets for cyclists, and I thank them for their voice and efforts in making this law a reality.

AB 1371 is the Legislature’s third attempt to enact a safe passing distance. Two earlier measures were vetoed.

AB 1371 goes into effect September 16, 2014.